The Gaelic4Mothers&Others initiative is an innovative way to introduce mothers and other women to playing Ladies Gaelic Football. Mothers often drop their kids to training and call back to collect them, but the Ladies Gaelic Football Association wants to change that.
The Gaelic4Mothers&Others initiative sees women playing Ladies Gaelic Football in a fun, non-competitive and social environment. Gaelic4Mothers&Others provides an opportunity for women to get their recommended weekly exercise in a fun way while meeting other mothers in the area.
One fun practice session will be organised every week for approx 1 hour to introduce women to the basic skills of Ladies Gaelic Football through fun games and exercises. Training will be held on Monday evenings in the pitch at 8pm ** note change of day & time!. All participants must be members of the club, membership can be paid on our website. If interested, register with Niamh on [087-9516572](tel:087-9516572) or Frankie [086-3977549](tel:086-3977549), so that we have an idea for numbers.
Link to information on Gaelic4Mothers&Others (
Remember: participants must be minimum 25 years of age and it is not a necessity to be a mother. They must not be currently playing adult club football.